Tag Archive for: Marketing Automation

How to Use Marketing Automation to its Fullest

Using Marketing AutomationLearn how to use marketing automation to its fullest. Marketing automation is designed to turn website visitors into leads and then into life-long customers. It is a strategic process of generating leads and subsequently guiding them through the buying journey until they are ready to make a purchase. Marketing automation streamlines the entire lead management process by eliminating time-consuming and expensive manual labor from the process. Let’s discuss  how to use marketing automation to its fullest.

Generates Leads

Marketing automation systematically tracks every visitor on a website. Automation software starts the process at the moment of initial engagement by capturing the location and visiting patterns of every user on any given website. It deciphers the country the user lives in, the number of pages they visited, and even how long they spent on each specific page.

Creates Profiles on Leads

Marketing automation software then uses online registrations and forms to extract additional information on each lead. Additional demographics can be easily obtained using free offers for valuable information or services in exchange for a visitor filling in contact information like their email address.

Divides Leads into Segments

Once a profile has been started for each lead, they can be divided into lead segments or groups based on similar characteristics and interests. It is too difficult to provide a truly personalized approach to every visitor on a website, since most successful websites have hundreds or even thousands of visitors each day. Breaking them down into segments is a more realistic approach.

Nurture Leads with Relevant Campaigns

Now that leads have been divided into categories based on an initial profile, they can be targeted using strategic and compelling lead nurturing campaigns. Lead nurturing content needs to be informative and relevant, while guiding the lead in the right direction. It must provide value to the reader to keep them interested.

Scoring each Lead

Throughout the nurturing process, marketing automation software will score each lead based on predetermined criteria. Marketers first create a profile for a typical lead based on the behavioral and demographic characteristics of their existing consumers. Each aspect of the profile is ranked based on the strength of the indicator. This lead scoring profile is then used to evaluate where the lead is at in their buying process and how likely they are to make a purchase.

Marketing Automation Builds Stronger Relationships

Every component of the marketing automation process is focused on learning more about each lead, so content can be customized to benefit their needs. The more emphasis that is put on nurturing leads in a useful and relevant manner will result in stronger relationships. As long as the same quality of service continues after a lead has committed to a purchase, this will create a greater loyalty between the consumer and the business.

Marketing automation software is focused on managing the lead’s lifecycle from initial engagement, through to lead nurturing and lead qualification, to the moment the lead is handed off to the sales team for conversion. It is a complete process for tracking and directing leads using an automated, yet personalized approached.

Automated Marketing Solutions: Gathering Data

Automated Marketing SolutionsMost people know when they’re ready for some quality automated marketing management. While many larger firms still keep marketing management duties in-house, smaller businesses are the perfect candidates for streamlining their marketing efforts – that is, a marketing automation system.

Why does it take start-ups so long to look into marketing automation? There are as many answers to that as there are small businesses out there who need to automate. In many cases, the person running the show in a small business (hiring, managing projects and doing the accounting) is also the person managing leads, rating their quality and following up.  A new company’s chief may find him or herself in a rut when it comes to carving out time for developing new marketing programs and following up with leads.

Automated Marketing Solutions and Strategies for Small Business

Marketing automation is perfect for this kind of small business. Many small business owners don’t even know marketing automation is possible – others have trouble picturing how to effectively gather up their data and put it all into one place. Think of it as lead ‘hoarding’ – it’s much easier to sit on the data sometimes and keep using the comfortable ‘old way’ rather than develop new systems that confront and tackle organization problems.

Gathering Your Data

Again, here’s a situation where marketing automation would fix the problem. You don’t have to develop a new system as a small business when companies are ready to do this for you. Out-of-the-box automation is more popular than ever for a reason. For what you pay, many marketing automation platforms give you a solution that is easy to implement, such as importing your contacts and subsequently segmenting it into contact lists. Once this is finished, a week or two of interaction with any marketing automation interface should begin returning some data on the quality of/interaction with your leads and where they stand.

You should also be able to download segmented email contact lists from many popular programs – including the bigger email service providers – and upload that info right into your automated marketing program. If you’re auditioning marketing automation companies, feel free to live chat with a rep and ask about how their company will help you pull data from your existing sources.

Marketing automation software generally has a learning curve. The right solution will make sure you’re either daunt-free or will provide inexpensive and effective customer support so you can best utilize the program. If your marketing automation solution doesn’t offer consultation time or a way to pay someone in their company to help you audit your data, simply ask. Most companies have this level of support available and will be happy to work with you.

If all else fails, hire a virtual assistant! At $10 an hour a reputable virtual assistant should be able to help you pull and populate data from various resources – then transmit that data into your marketing automation solution.

If you need tips and help gathering data to populate your automation solution, just ask a rep at a marketing automation company to help. There’s no reason to be left in the dark – they want your business, and part of getting it means providing a feasible solution for your lead management needs over time. Let us have a part in helping your business! Contact Lead Liaison today.

Is Your Marketing Automation Software Managing Your Leads?

Marketing Automation Software Managing LeadsMarketing automation software (MAS) should provide front to back lead management capabilities. From lead generation to lead distribution, a robust, full-feature program, such as our Lead Management Automation™ platform, must enable your marketing department and sales team to effectively manage leads to achieve maximum sales effectiveness.

There are several key functions that should be available in a marketing automation program. Integration with a CRM platform is one important feature but your marketing automation software must first provide all the steps that move a raw lead to a qualified, sales-ready prospect. Make sure to self-assess and ask, is your marketing automation software managing your leads?

Lead capture

When leads engage with any of your digital assets, they should be captured. This function is similar to having a prospect walk through your door; the marketing automation software must recognize basic identifiable criteria and deliver that lead to a marketing bucket.

Lead Aggregation

Leads flow from various sources. Each inquiry is not the same and you may have inquiries for five different solutions; price points, buying cycles, and lead education requirements may all be different, so your marketing automation software must aggregate the leads that arrive to appropriate buckets for processing.

Lead Qualification

Once leads have been captured and aggregated, the next step is to determine which ones are viable sales opportunities. Through your marketing automation software, sales agents must be able to determine the leads that are ready for a sales call and which ones need more education (nurturing). By integrating lead qualification assets such as online forms with a lead scoring system, it should become apparent which leads are worthy of a sales engagement.

Lead Scoring

Each lead has a varying degree of interest and fit so it is important for your marketing automation software to be able to rank your leads. The lead profile, source, and solution category are some of the criteria that should be used to prioritize prospects in order to measure sales-readiness. The lead scoring function must provide a threshold that elevates a prospect from a marketing-qualified lead to a sales-qualified lead.

Lead Distribution

How do sales agents receive leads in their pipeline? Your marketing automation software must have an appropriate way to allocate leads according to predetermined rules that your organization assigns. Geography, interest level, and product line are just a few attributes that can be used to determine proper lead distribution. As leads achieve a scoring threshold, they should be automatically distributed through an integration with a CRM package such as the Salesforce.com Cloud.

Lead Tracking

It is crucial that your marketing automation software provides lead tracking so your marketing team can assess the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. As leads respond to marketing engagements the system should update the lead score and deliver alerts to marketing and/or sales about the lead’s online activity.

Lead Nurturing

For leads that require nurturing, your marketing automation software should provide scheduling, message selection, and response. This feature should be integrated with a lead scoring function so, as new behavior is recognized, a lead’s score is automatically adjusted and sales agents are alerted.

Lead Reporting

In order to be fully effective, your marketing automation software must provide real-time reporting on lead status. Lead reports should include profile, score, sales agent assignment, and conversion metrics so management can determine how effectively leads are being captured, scored, nurtured, and distributed.

B2B Marketers need Marketing Automation and Lead Scoring

B2B Marketers need Marketing Automation and Lead ScoringAs the global marketplace expands due to the power of the internet, B2B Marketers need to rise to the challenge and start thinking in terms of large-scale strategies. B2B marketers need marketing automation and lead scoring. They need to market to businesses that are searching for resources online. This is important since every company with an online presence who is selling the same product or service is now their competitor, regardless of their physical location.

Expanding the reach of their B2B marketing campaigns will most likely produce a wide variety of new leads. Each of these leads has their own unique potential and likelihood for conversion. They come from different locations, different industries and different purchasing background. They all approach researching new products and services in their own way and it quickly becomes too overwhelming to manually qualify and prioritize each lead based on their individual potential.

Lead scoring is an automated process designed to assist marketers in qualifying leads by assigning a quantitative value to website visitors based on the person’s demographic and behavioral profile. The value assigned to each lead is determined based on how closely the lead resembles a typical or ideal customer. For example, if a marketer is specifically interested in attracting automotive manufacturers that would need to buy industrial-grade steel for their production line, these parameters would be designed to place a greater value on whether the prospect matches with the criteria describing a typical manufacturing facility that uses industrial-grade steel.

Lead scoring with marketing automation allows marketers to quickly sort through leads and identify changes in behavioral patterns. This helps B2B marketers identify which are sales-ready leads and which will require more nurturing. By using database segmentation features of most marketing automation software, B2B marketers can touch base with leads they are interested in, by assessing their interests and creating content specific to their needs.

Marketing automation also allows B2B marketers to:

  1. Analyze lead scores in an effort to personalize email campaigns.
  2. Assess the effectiveness of past campaigns.
  3. Create automated responses to a lead’s online activity such as registrations, downloads, and/or newsletters.
  4. Create mailing lists catered to leads with specific scores.
  5. Identify buying stage of prospects and their likelihood of conversion.

By implementing lead scoring criteria with marketing automation software, companies can:

  1. Identify the improvement in the number of quality leads that were generated over a period of time. When lead profile criteria is regularly analyzed and evolved, marketers will be able to better define a sales-ready lead and then plan effectively towards closing the business deal.
  2. Reduce labor expenses associated with manual marketing processes and focus more on the campaign execution process.
  3. Offer marketers more insight into their leads, so they will spend less time guiding and nurturing leads through the marketing funnel.
  4. Unite the sales and marketing departments, so they can work together to generate higher quality leads and identify more sales-ready leads.

Lead scoring using marketing automation is a necessity for B2B marketers who want to expand globally while still being able to gain visibility into their lead’s intent. This priceless intelligence can be leveraged to move leads faster through the marketing funnel and improve their chance of becoming a customer. That is why today’s B2B marketers need marketing automation and lead scoring.

5 Ways Marketing Automation Simplifies Sales Tasks

Marketing Automation Simplifies Sales TasksAny automated task provides exceptional time-saving opportunities for businesses to both increase sales funnels and effectively raise ROI.  Marketing automation, simply defined as any software platform which streamlines automated tasks for marketing departments, provides an avenue for employees to specifically require certain contingencies which software executes.  When viewing the grand scheme of marketing processes altogether, we’ve developed 5 unique ways marketing automation simplifies sales tasks simply by having powerful ‘computerization’ in place.

Tracks Behavioral Patterns

B2B customers have specific predefined criteria when seeking products and services online.  Traditional methods of marketing have little opportunity for success as drip campaigns, social media and many other manually intensive tasks consume time.  Marketing automation provides sales departments with fresh leads easier than conventional methods that require screening, manual lead distribution and a repetitive lead funneling process.  In other words, B2B marketing automation simply makes the filtration process much quicker than before, especially when specifically interested in behavioral patterns.

Clarifies Buying Process

Sales executives often aren’t informed properly regarding who’s interested in what; they’re more concerned about warm leads hit their desks than arguing marketing semantics.  Sales managers typically set expectations to interview potential B2B buyers before selling products.  Marketing automation provides salespeople more authentic measures of knowing who arrived, from where, and what specific product or service is being viewed.  The dubious task of closing the sale becomes more exacting.  Clarification of the buyer cycle becomes more specific to each buyer instead of the collective lead pool being collected.

Helps Customer Understand Needs

Occasionally, B2B customers have little idea what they’re wanting to purchase since a complete definition of their problem isn’t known.  Customers head to various service websites, fill out several contact information forms and make numerous phone calls.  Have you ever noticed not many contact forms feature “I don’t really know my problem” buttons or drop-down menu entries?  Marketing automation could still effectively channel B2B buyers towards proper sales team members who’ll address the problem, fit that with services within the company’s menu and discuss what matches were made and why.  From there, businesses not only close the deal, they manage to assist another business’ growth strategy, even if they didn’t know much going into a meeting with the company’s sales person.

Quickens Lead Scoring Process

Automation processes greatly benefit marketing teams; case in point, it helps score leads before being sent to sales making it much easier than doing so with traditional spreadsheets and eye strain.  Lead scoring must have accurate outcomes; the process becomes rather painstaking without software.  Sales departments will appreciate scored leads before pitching B2B customers too; which begins with having quicker lead scoring processes.

Frees Up Time For Improvements Elsewhere

When businesses have more time for improving departmental processes, the entire business model becomes less volatile than when tasks pile up or employees are out of sync. Marketing automation has one primary: create human perceptions of B2B buying processes inside an algorithm to spit out easily predictable buying signs which sales departments can use during phone calls.  Once the automation process has been perfected, marketing professionals can focus on improving other areas, such as lead scoring models, marketing pitches, landing pages and so forth. All told, B2B customers have every right to unknowingly stumble onto your website, discover services which may benefit their own core objectives and contact you.  It’s up to an accurate marketing automation process to properly channel those interactions towards departments which can fulfill expectations – whether known or not – by customers seeking business assistance from your firm.

Three Ways to Plug a Leaky Sales Funnel

Three Ways to Plug a Leaky Sales FunnelDo you have B2B leads that aren’t converting to sales because they are falling through the cracks of a poorly managed sales funnel? If your company’s lead management system isn’t preserving your marketing leads, you’re not alone. According to B2B experts, 80% of leads aren’t converted because of poor lead management. The good news is there are ways to keep your sales funnel from leaking.

Marketing Automation

Marketing automation (MA) software packages provide a programmed method of maintaining a connection with leads while they are being nurtured towards sales-readiness. An MA program helps prevent funnel leakage through a reporting structure which exhibits the status for each marketing lead.

If you’re running a lean sales team, agents are likely balancing the management of existing accounts and new account acquisition. Agents can quickly lose focus on a lead. An effective MA program engages your leads until they are contacted by a sales representative.

MA also allows your sales team to determine a contact strategy for building new accounts; it helps manage leads through a process of qualification, interest building, and preparation for sales engagement. When a sales agent contacts a lead, she is aware of the marketing activities that lead has been exposed to.

Lead Scoring

Developing a lead scoring system helps to prioritize and cultivate leads – and keeps leads from dropping off the face of your B2B world. A good lead scoring model identifies worthwhile leads and classifies leads as they advance through the sales funnel. Once a lead achieves a score that warrants a sales contact, an MA program can alert the appropriate sales team member.

Not only does a lead scoring system reduce the likelihood of a lead being improperly dropped from the sales funnel, it also increases the efficiency of your sales team by allowing it to focus on the hottest leads, which are indicated by the highest scores. Meanwhile, cold leads can be removed systematically. For example, leads can be eliminated from consideration when they drop below a lead scoring threshold.

CRM Integration

By blending your marketing software program with your customer relationship management software, your sales team becomes more effective at managing its sales funnel. If a lead enters the CRM because of a high lead score, but it’s discovered by a sales agent that circumstances have changed, such as a change in budget or timing, a sales member can return the lead to the marketing pipeline for further nurturing.

The B2B sales cycle is long, and sales engagements can be mistimed. Through a CRM integration with a marketing automation platform, the risk of losing a sales lead when it is reclassified as a marketing lead is reduced.

Lead Liaison’s Revenue Generation Software platform provides marketing automation, lead scoring and CRM integration among other capabilities as three corner stones of preventing  a leaky sales funnel.

B2B Marketing Automation: Run In the Right Direction and Win

B2B Marketing Automation: Run In the Right Direction and WinThe implementation of B2B marketing automation is often seen as daunting in the face of perceived complexity and unpreparedness. Implementing market automation is simple and cost-effective. It assures more qualified leads and revenue growth without making you put in an overwhelming amount of effort. The following are a few must-follow tips to follow to get your marketing automation plan going in the right direction.

Build your Marketing Automation Campaign on a Strong Foundation

Think of what type of skill sets you have and what type of volume you expect your marketing automation tools to handle. Tally your resources and thoroughly audit the expected performance criteria against the system you employ. Consider targeted customers, their motivations and expectations and make sure your marketing automation system can support them. Add contacts based on these selections then refresh and recreate your campaign content regularly. Plan the minimum details you need from customers upfront.

Improved Targeting and Sophisticated Deliverability

Your marketing automation system must be sophisticated enough to create a sense of trust in the mind of targeted customers. Test your email, the most important marketing automation contact tool, to ensure that its display, presentation, and readability suit customers and their mobile or laptop devices. Ensure that your email does not land up in the spam filter of recipients, blunting its appeal and value. Also, confirm email addresses and make sure you have prospects, customers and partners permission to nurture them.

Integrated and Multi-Touch Campaigns

Align marketing automation with your CRM and multi-touch campaigns. Two-way integration of CRM and automation empowers business processes and campaigns and helps achieve better sales potential compared to stand-alone solutions. It helps keep superior relationship with vendors and customers while expanding the sales funnel without committing extra resources. Multi-touch strategy with provision of five to 10 touches over a period of time is a must to cultivate prospects from interest to sure sales conversion. Enable more touches customized as per client preference in every buying-cycle step.

Consider Timing

Make sure you send appropriate automated messages to the right person at the right time. Source the client or partner data and analyze the same to establish their preferred timing. Messages received during out of office hours or nights may be considered intrusive, leading to negative reaction. However, messages sent on birthdays, special holidays, and leisure times are received with a positive feeling and are more likely to elicit response.

Improve Lead Management

An improved lead management process is a vital part of a successful marketing automation. Use both implicit and explicit data to generate and nurture leads. Implicit information includes clicks, page visits, and email subscriptions while explicit information includes data specific to industry, geography, classification based on requirements, jobs, behavior, etc. Create different lead-stage campaigns to prevent any leak in the sales funnel. Both short-term and long-term communication measures focusing on competitive pricing, education, demos will help attract prospects.

Once your marketing automation is up and running, try to fine tune it regularly to continually achieve higher ROI. Analyze results based on market intelligence and feed the automation system accordingly.

A Small Businesses Make-Over Using Marketing Automation

Small Business Make-Over using Marketing Automation
Small businesses make-over using marketing automation. Staying in touch with leads and nurturing them through the sales process is a realistic challenge many organizations face. It’s vitally important businesses convert leads into paying customers. Small or new businesses face overwhelming challenges from existing competitors when reaching out to customers; such as getting their attention, finding leads, and converting leads into sales. They don’t have adequate manpower and technical ability to fire up their sales engines due to lack of resources and experience. Financial constraints also prevent them from carrying out resourceful marketing campaigns. This often results in impending marketing problems, which risk profitability, growth, and sustainability of the business.

Luckily, marketing automation is there to help small businesses easily achieve sales and marketing objectives. Here are some benefits of using marketing automation for a small business:

  1. Marketing automation allows small businesses to streamline sales tools, augment social media and email marketing efforts, and accelerate marketing performance with a focused outreach strategy.
  2. Marketing automation automates core components of the selling process and enhances visibility across a variety of channels while adding more “teeth” to agile marketing campaigns. Better client monitoring allows enhanced targeting and less repetition. Business can maintain and enhance relationships with customers, partners, vendors and other stake holders using marketing automation tools.
  3. Marketing automation combines various outreach mediums such as social media and email campaigns for greater customer attention. Sales teams leverage marketing automation to monitor prospects or customers online interaction across a number of channels and identify their level of interest in a brands products and services. When a visitor lands on your website, automated tools welcome them at various points delivering tailored messages, such as free trial offers, customized solution offerings or personalized greetings.
  4. By adopting a marketing automation process, small businesses are in a position to view and track data analytics, follow up on visitors frequenting your site, increase the ability to develop leads and improve chances of converting them into a sale.
  5. Marketing automation provides better interaction with prospects through automated tools which enables businesses to set up appropriate rules for contact with customers, vendors, and partners. Automation facilitates easy ways to reestablish and maintain relationships with clients and prevents repetition. By delivering the right content at the right time, it helps accelerate sales cycles and keeps marketing communication thriving.

Integrating your strategic plan with marketing automation technology allows small businesses to optimize their lead management process, bridge communication gaps, and maximize marketing strategy that empowers your organization to achieve more with less.

Converting Leads through Smart Nurturing

Smart Lead NurturingA lead has marginal value until it can be successfully converted into a sale. Businesses spend a considerable amount of time and money securing quality leads and cannot afford ineffective nurturing. Use some of these guidelines to convert leads using smart lead nurturing. If the information that is sent out is not relevant and informative to a lead’s specific interests  then the content will be of no value to them. That is why the first step is to qualify leads and segment them based on their browsing history.

Rank and Segment Leads

Qualifying and segmenting leads means breaking each one down into categories then ranking them based on buying potential. It is crucial to assess each lead individually then figure out how they fit into predetermined segmented groups. A company cannot use the same methods to target all leads, but they also cannot create a unique campaign for every potential customer. That is why it is necessary to group them based on similar interests. Once leads have been formally segmented, a company can then create informative content tailored to each unique group profile.

Create Compelling Content

Every lead expects to receive valuable content that will teach them something worthwhile or improve their life in some meaningful way. This information can be presented in the form of whitepapers, webinars, eBooks, blog posts, reports, or any other resource that will educate the reader.  It needs to peak their interest within the first few sentences or it simply won’t be read. If the lead nurturing campaign does not grab the lead’s attention, it will be jettisoned and become absolutely ineffective.

Frequency of Nurturing Matters

Another thing to consider is the frequency of lead nurturing efforts. A smart lead nurturing plan should be sent at least once a month, but never more than once each week. A good campaign needs to maintain a powerful presence without being obtrusive or overwhelming. People receive numerous emails and articles from various sources, so they can quickly be viewed as a nuisance if they take over someone’s inbox.

Converting leads into sales requires a well-thought out, strategic plan. Qualify and group each lead first and then develop an approach catered to each target market segment. Content in every smart nurturing campaign should attempt to establish a business as being an expert in their field, so potential customers feel confident turning to the company’s services when the need arises.  The image that is presented in a lead nurturing campaign is exactly what could make or break a sale.

Convergence of PRM and Marketing Automation Facilitates Superior Marketing Alignment

Partner Relationship Management and Marketing AutomationOne in every five B2B organizations use a marketing automation platform (MAP), and the present trend indicates that it will grow to 40% by 2016, according to B2B research and advisory agency SiriusDecisions. Organizations are increasingly integrating marketing automation with their CRM databases and Partner Relationship Management (PRM) strategy to facilitate efficient lead nurturing and achieve the most favorable sales potential. This three-way alignment optimizes stand-alone solutions and multiplies sales capabilities of the organizations, creating marketing alignment.

The Case for Marketing Automation Platform-CRM-PRM Integration for Superior Marketing Alignment

The prospect of efficient business processes and enhanced benefits has made marketing automation a key attraction for businesses. Organizations operate in a complex ecosystem that demands attention to a variety of factors. It has become increasingly difficult to track and report marketing progress and sales opportunities across partner networks while managing campaigns and opportunities. Many fall upon PRM solutions to maintain and boost partner-vendor relationship and ensure superior coordination among different channel players.

The PRM is aligned with the CRM, holding customer database and marketing automation tools for better visibility and tracking of performance of partners, co-ops, and other assets. While the former focuses on customer lifecycle management, PRM solutions take care of reporting and analytics suitable for partner lifecycle management. Marketing automation integrated with the two enables businesses to integrate records and track and monitor typical sales opportunities created in a partner network and specific interested customers.

Vendors and manufacturers can also set up on-demand services through marketing automation using social media, telemarketing, and email. By integrating PRM and CRM with marketing automation platforms, businesses can offer instant portal access and training courses in their chosen language and medium. A big plus is that partner branding can be aligned with marketing resources and increased ability to monitor and manage leads and campaigns.

There is no need to employ multichannel strategies, tools, and resources for deal registration and management of opportunities. Often channel managers run helter-skelter as they work with manual systems and spreadsheets to deal with partners and customers. Marketing automation facilitates use of same system by brand owners and partners, reducing time and gap in interaction. With vendors rolling out campaigns and leads in no time to partners using the vertical-sharing system, both can work side by side, enhancing coordination and cooperation.

PRM-Marketing Integration: Summary of Benefits

Integration of PRM with marketing automation offers three important benefits.

1. It helps in automatic lead distribution to partners without any coordination issue.

2. It helps bridge the gap between a business and its partners. All solutions are immediately available to partners. They can interact, learn, receive training, and lead sales efforts without overburdening the business.

3. It is easy to monitor and manage a campaign and activity on leads and holistically measure direct and indirect sales benefits to partners using the marketing automation platform.

With increased availability of SaaS solutions, there is no major technical obstacle that impedes PRM-marketing automation integration. Many consider budget and disconnect issues caused by failure of the system as key hindrances. However, the benefits of aligning the two outweigh the concerns. No doubt PRM can be a stand-alone solution, but when integrated with marketing automation, its compatibilities multiply, assuring better lead development and campaign execution.