Integrate CRM And Marketing Automation For Best Results

Integrate CRM And Marketing Automation For Best ResultsThink your standalone CRM can drive your business? Try to integrate CRM and marketing automation for  best results. One of the great challenges of marketing in the new landscape of online business is the fact that while your prospective customers have every opportunity to inspect your business and services, your sales team has very few opportunities to learn about new leads. Sure, strategic marketing can certainly help you attract the clientele that will gain the most from your services, but unless a customer offers you information, your sales people are sometimes flying blind.

In order to give your sales force information on the customers that they are approaching, one of the most effective ways to obtain information is by using a CRM, such as Through these programs, you can gain information such as web visits, e-mail opens and video views to gain some insight into their interests and purchasing inclinations, giving your marketing and sales teams a degree of insight into the character of their leads. However, this still has an issue – all this data can be overwhelming, and isn’t entirely useful in cold, hard blocks. The solution? Integrating your CRM with marketing automation software, such as Lead Liaison.

Lead Liaison was designed from the ground up to integrate with CRMs, take the data provided, and deliver it into meaningful statistical representation of individual leads and your customer base as a whole. Integrating marketing automation software with a CRM means that all the data your sales team needs is contained in one easy to use interface, so your sales team will be able to move seamlessly from accessing the data they need to make sales.

Benefits of CRM and Marketing Integration

It pays dividends to integrate CRM and marketing automation. One of the primary functions of Lead Liaison is to use the data collected by a CRM, such as search terms used and total visits, and record them into a contact record within your CRM. Once this contact information is prepared, an algorithm compiling information such as geography, job title, and revenue is used to assign a lead grade and to tell your sales team how likely an individual is to be interested in purchasing your company’s product or services. This grade is used in conjunction with factors like buy signals on Lead Liaison’s hot lead dashboard, called Briefcase, where leads are given a lead score that helps your sales people make the sales your company needs.

Another great feature that is possible with the integration of a CRM with marketing automation software is lead nurturing. Just because a lead isn’t ready to purchase your services at the time of contact, it doesn’t mean they won’t ever be. Lead nurturing maintains a low level relationship with the customer with automated contact such as occasional e-mails, all while continuing to track the leads behavior through your CRM. If that lead exhibits behavior that indicates they may once again be interesting in your services, a sales member is alerted, so they can contact the customer.

This are just some of the great benefits that are possible with CRM and marketing automation. Visit Lead Liaison’s marketing automation resources on the web to find out about more.