Enhancement Round-Up Q3 2019

In this release we’re pleased to introduce many exciting enhancements to GoExhibit!, Lead Liaison’s Event Lead Management solution. These updates include an all-new visual Events interface, new organization options, searching/filtering submissions in the app, new analytics, and better overall user experience for both end users and administrators.

As always, please feel free to contact your Lead Liaison Representative with any questions about the enhancements below. Not yet a client? Schedule a demo here!

Important: To take advantage of the new mobile app features, you must upgrade to the newest version of GoCapture!™ from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. There is no need to uninstall and reinstall; simply update the app in the appropriate store.


Form Styling

Customize your event lead capture experience like never before!

With the release of Version 3.0, you can change font colors and add cover images. Combined with our existing Custom Content features, you can create a form branded perfectly for your organization.

Learn more about form styling here.


Kiosk forms get an all new feature in this release: screensavers.

From displaying images to cycling through promotions, screensavers grab attention and increase engagement.


For longer forms, sections are a game changer.

Sections group fields together, making it easier for end users to navigate your form.

You can use sections to make whole groups of fields appear or disappear based on the same visibility rule.

Search and Filter

Forget scrolling past hundreds of leads just to add notes.

With Version 3.0, you can search and filter submissions to find exactly who you are looking for.

Retrieve Authentication Code

How many times have you had an end user wait until five minutes before a show to say they didn’t open the invitation email? Administrators can now retrieve authentication codes from the Device menu. No need to contact support or resend the invite!

Question Stats

View aggregate statistics of your survey responses. See how many people prefer Product A to Product B, or find out how many customers prefer live demos to marketing collateral.

Plus these other great enhancements:
  • Pause/resume audio support for audio recording
  • Multi-column separator support for tablets
  • Camera rotation to use front camera during capture
  • Bulk Invites
  • Scheduled follow up actions
  • General sync enhancements.

Need help?
Our Support Staff is available 24/7. We’re eager to help, so please reach out by creating a support ticket here, by emailing support@leadliaison.com, or by clicking the Help icon on the top right of Lead Liaison and then clicking the Open Support Ticket button. 

Interested in the solutions you see here?

If you are already a Lead Liaison customer, contact your Account Manager with any questions and we’ll be happy to assist.