Are You Generating Helpful Visitor Profile Data?
Small to large businesses are constantly trying to figure out how to market to their target users, often ignoring the visitor profile data that’s in their backend or marketing automation system. The focus of many of our blogs has been to define a target audience right away. Businesses frequently build a target audience profile based on what they expect of their users or what they’d like to see, rather than using data that could help make better decisions overall.
New businesses certainly require a grand floor analysis to better determine target audience but businesses that have been around for a while are often operating with the same target audience expectations used from the start. Keep this in mind – if unused data exists, any business could be missing opportunities and data collection efforts could be going to waste.
Understanding the Visitor Profile
Some important demographics to fish out of the mix when analyzing business data include things like:
- Time of day visitors land on your website
- Visitor gender
- Income level
- Keywords used to find you
In addition to these items, there are frequently overlooked pieces of visitor information that can help businesses better target users. Mobile, operating system and browser are available pieces of data that businesses often ignore. Bottom line, if half or more visitors are viewing a website or content on mobile, businesses need to ensure mobile users have the best viewing and purchasing experience possible. In many instances, operating without a mobile friendly website is an invitation to lost sales.
Breaking it Down
Visitor profile information isn’t useful without a strategy to deploy once that info is obtained. Key players in an organization who should be privy to this strategy might include a head of marketing, sales manager and folks in executive level operating roles.
A team leader should be assigned to be in charge of gathering the data and proposing how to move forward – very likely someone in a marketing role. This person should work closely over time with marketing automation staff to ensure data is being collected properly. A good marketing automation company will also suggest how the data may correlate into a high-level strategy that can be carried out across organizational departments.
If you’re not getting the data, the sales or you want to look into marketing automation to make your overall process easier, talk to Lead Liaison. We’re here to help you figure out how buy signals, high-level data, visitor profile data and better analytics can increase your bottom line.